Monday, April 25, 2005

The Ring 2: Samara

cast: Naomi Watts, David Dorfman
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The good: tell me if there's any
The bad: no thrills, no frills, no anything
I hate to bash on the directing quality of this movie because it was directed by a japanese - a hideo nakata I think. But the poorness of the directing is apparent in its entirety and it alone proves to be this film's downfall. scenes are dragging, nonsensical, and leaves a "what is happening?" taste to the viewers. the poor acting by lead Naomi Watts also drives another nail into the coffin. Her character is stupid enough and her acting just compounds it.

one example of this movie's stupidity: naomi watts discovers that samara is back to her cruel ways when she finds out that a copy of the "videotape" has emerged. she burns the tape hoping samara will go the way of the dinosaur which is stupid because since when did the paranormal get affected by burning? in any other horror flick this might have been a little bit believable, but with the backstory of the original The Ring, its hard to believe that the character would actually believe that this would end the curse. moving on, her child gets all weird and wouldnt want to talk to her. she senses the problem but doesnt do anything. come on girl its samara!

later on, she sees samara in her son's room and a burning tree figure in their ceiling. of course they go out but she still doesnt seem to have a clue as to what's going on. horror flicks are almost always stupid but this one goes way overboard.

even if you're a fan of the ring series, this doesnt really add to the mythos. nothing new in terms of the tale is added and its just plain dissapointing. watch the jap versions instead. (2/5)

*Fun Fact: David Dorfman, who plays Aidan (the kid) in the movie is also the weird kid from Texas Chainsaw Massacre...


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