Monday, July 18, 2005

Lego Star Wars

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The good: very little Jar Jar
The bad: one-dimensional gameplay

It must be hard for developers to create movie tie-ins; so many of them, to put it quite frankly, suck. Case in point Lego Star Wars, a weak, uninterested, and under-developed title whose only chance of market success is its bearing of the Star Wars license.

You get to play as your favorite (Qui Gon Jinn, Yoda) and not-so favorite (Jar Jar Binks) Star Wars characters (over 30 in all) in the three arcs of the rise of the empire series – Episode’s 1 to 3. Unfortunately, you’ll only need as much buttons to use as there are quality Star Wars flicks (the old flicks). You jump, swing your lightsaber or shoot your blaster, or use the force or grappling hook for non-Jedi characters, and that’s it. There’s very little in terms of variety and unique gameplay mechanics and even the Lego aesthetic fails to give any semblance of charm.

With crummy graphics, almost non-existent voice acting and inaudible music, a short and all-too repetitive main game, and little replay value, it’s hard to recommend the game to even the most die-hard Star Wars fans. Strictly a kid’s affair. (1/5)


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