Monday, April 25, 2005

Grave of the Fireflies (Hotaru no Haka)

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The good: fantastic story thriving with deep emotional overtones
The bad: to be honest, can't think of anything
I just watched a japanese animated film called "grave of the fireflies". been itching to get my hands on this title for a long time. thanks to my personal supplier landon for the dvd. anyway, this film was released like ages ago (1988 i think) but the quality of its entirety remains intact up to this day.

the film is set during world war 2 at war-torn japan. it features two kids (setsuko and seita) who gets orphaned when their military father died at sea and their mother getting killed during an air raid. needless to say, they have to depend solely on each other for survival. the ensuing scenes throughout the whole film screams with emotion, reality, and tremendous message. Everybody should just see this movie. Its not only one of the best anime films ever, its one of the best films ever.

*Fun Fact: Acclaimed film critic Roger Ebert called this film one of the best war films of all time. IMDB lists this film as the top 151 of the 250 best films of all time.


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