Sunday, May 08, 2005

Shadow of Rome

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The good: gruesome combat
The bad: lame stealth sequences
Capcom has always been known for its gory games. In fact, they seem to have the trademark for the "contains explicit violence and gore" warning before every game title screen. Shadow of Rome, an action title set in gladiatorial era Rome is no exception.

The game is divided between two characters, and you'll get to play them in alternating sequences of the storyline. Agrippa, who is the burly Roman General turned gladiator (hmm where did I see that?), handles the action sequences while friend Octavianus sneaks in and out of Roman locales.

The stealth sequences do a good job of advancing the storyline as well as giving players a break from the more stressful and blister-inducing fight sequences of Agrippa. However, Metal Gear Solid this game ain't and the stealth here is passable at best. Compared to the gladiatorial contests, Octavianus' part seems underdeveloped and limited.

But the fast. exciting, and ferocious combat that you'll undertake in the action part of the game is one of most purely visceral you'll ever experience. Heads are cut off; limbs fly like houses being demolished by a tornado; and blood is spilled whenever a sword is swung. And with a wide variety of ancient weapons (the halberd being especially gruesome), and different takes on the gladiatorial rounds (hostage rescue, animal fights, team battles), the main game never really gets old. Boss battles are especially fun, each requiring serious skill and strategy to be beaten - weekend warriors need not enlist or you'll be crying at the hardships you'll have to endure in this game.

This game is quite long too taking me over 18 hours to finish. For the sequel, let's hope Capcom give more life to the boring stealth sequences while taking the action part to the next level. (4/5)


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